battle of the bands

Battle Of The Bands

Battle of the Bands: A contest between two or more groups of music fans that compete with each other to make their selection the best band ever made. Battle of the Bands was first held in the United Kingdom in 2009. Since then it has been spreading out across the world. The first Battle of the Bands competitions in America were held in the Midwest and California. It gained popularity as an event because of its liveliness and the fact that the audience is not limited to a few select listeners.

battle of the bands

Battle of the Bands involves two or more bands playing music in front of a large crowd. The main challenge in a Battle of the Bands contest is to create a song that appeals to the group of people in front of you. The goal is to make your song stand out from the crowd. When you perform in a Battle of the Bands contest you should have a good idea of what songs appeal to the audience. You may also need to learn about the music style and how the audience will react. This is something you should be prepared to do. After all, it’s your song, and you want to get the best reaction possible.


If you’re interested in entering into a Battle of the Bands competition, all you need to do is find one in your area or one in another location. Make sure that the location is an open venue and that there’s plenty of room in the venue to accommodate all of your equipment. Make sure that you arrive early. The earlier you show up the better chances you have of making it to the event on time. Be sure to take some time out of your busy day to dress appropriately for a Battle of the Bands contest. You should wear comfortable clothes to ensure that you’re not uncomfortable in the venue.